Sunday, November 13, 2011

The first official REVIEW of "DEMON DAYS - Angel of Light" from a READER on

*This is an advanced readers copy
Archaeologist Jenna Grant has come into possession of part of an ancient document that she didn’t dig out of the ground herself, but that doesn't stop her from learning what she can about it. There are others who want the document and make it very clear that she is no longer safe. Those people will do whatever it takes to get it back, even killing innocent people, and Jenna will do whatever it takes to protect the knowledge held in those eight pages. Jenna works with Father Olsen and George Wyatt to find a way to stop the people who would bring utter chaos and destruction to the whole world.
Wow! The first thing I have to compliment is the pacing of this novel. It isn’t too fast that I couldn’t keep up with all the characters and their own stories, and I never found myself lost or confused within the plot. It wasn’t so slow that I was bored or impatient. The pacing was perfect. The characters are well defined, even the antagonists, and are believable. The plot itself is packed full of adventure and mystery with just enough twists to keep me on my toes but not too many to make it felt cluttered. Even though this is a work of fiction it appealed to the history lover in me also, so there was a lot for me to enjoy about this book. I started recommending this one not long after I started reading it and it will be a hard novel to forget.

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